What are the benefits of Second Medical?

Reduce the risk of misdiagnosis

Recent studies suggest that the most common cause of medical errors is diagnostic, followed by treatment and surgical errors. Second Medical can help reduce these risks by ensuring that your employees are evaluated by the right specialist providing the right diagnosis and recommending the right treatment. This will limit unnecessary procedures and subsequent time off work and disability claims.

Reduce employee stress and distraction

In Ontario, the average time it takes to see a specialist for the initial consultation is 10-12 weeks, and the average time for certain procedures can be longer than 6 months. These long wait times result in a frustrating and anxiety-generating process. Second Medical can reduce undue stress leading to reduced employee distraction and improved productivity.

Improve employee satisfaction and retention

A recent human resources survey revealed that health care benefits are an important factor for job candidates when selecting new employment. Furthermore, employer sponsored wellness programs encourage employees to stay at their current job.

From an economics perspective, current estimates suggest that it can take 1-2 years for new employees to reach the productivity level of existing employees. Let Second Medical help you attract new employees and retain existing talent.

Reduce employee absenteeism

A study from Watson Wyatt Worldwide found that Canadian employers will lose an estimated $16 billion a year due to absenteeism. Given that a second medical opinion can avoid surgery in approximately 30% of cases, this will significantly reduce unnecessary procedures and disability.

Company studies demonstrate ~3x return on investment (ROI) by instituting preventative health services in the workplace. Therefore, there is a strong economic incentive to adding Second Medical to your employee benefit package.

Have a question? Talk to us

If you'd like to learn more about Second Medical's services, please send us an email or call us at 416-551-7700

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