Dr. Andrew Hyman

Andrew Hyman, MD, FRCP(c)

Our Story

Second Medical was started by Andrew Hyman, MD, FRCP(c). Dr. Hyman is a Board Certified physician in Internal Medicine and Nephrology. He also has completed fellowships in Kidney Transplantation and Integrative Medicine. In addition to his medical training, he has an MBA from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Hyman has first-hand experience about what it is like being a patient. After suffering a serious back injury, he struggled with pain for many years. In his search to find relief, he saw numerous medical specialists and received multiple medical opinions.

During this challenging medical journey, he realized how important it was to find the right doctor; a doctor who is engaged with their patients, listens closely to their story and can think “outside the box” when needed.

The process to find the right care was complex and challenging, even for a physician. This was a stark and life changing revelation. Based on his experiences, he can only imagine how difficult it would be for someone without a medical background. To this end, Dr. Hyman created Second Medical with the goal of helping patients find the right doctor so that they can get on the path to healing and recovery. For him, it’s personal.

Our Goal

We understand that illness and disability can be overwhelming both physically and emotionally and that trying to navigate the healthcare system can be daunting and frustrating.

Two heads are better than one

We strongly believe that a second medical opinion can make a difference in your care. The old adage of “two heads are better than one” applies to many circumstances in medical care. We are strong advocates of improved communication and collaboration between medical professionals and that medicine should not be practiced in a silo.

You are a person, not a paper chart

We invite you to be an active participant in your medical care. Throughout our process you will interact with your medical specialists in real-time where any questions or concerns will be addressed.

Good healthcare starts with good communication

Given that we are based in Ontario, where your family doctor is located, we can easily communicate our recommendations and help coordinate your care. Your health is our first priority and good communication is the cornerstone to good medical care.

Ready to get started with Second Medical?

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